Meanwhile, wide spreads and incongruent pricing in the rest of the credit markets led to many banks to take negative inventory marks, which will most likely outweigh broker commissions. 与此同时,信贷市场其他领域的高息差和定价不一致也使得很多银行的存量资产缩水,很可能完全抵消了经纪佣金。
The method of pricing inventory is required to identify the units in the ending inventory as coming from specific purchases. 这种存货计价的方法需要分别确定期末存货中的每一件商品是来自于哪一次购货。
Research on Screening Information of Surplus Value of Overstock with Buyback Contract pricing out either the cost of goods sold or the ending inventory. 基于回购合同的季末库存残值信息甄别研究计算出期末存货成本(或销货成本)。
Apple has not yet even acknowledged the existence of the ipad Mini, but pricing and configuration information for the much-rumored tablet is allegedly already appearing in the inventory system of a consumer electronics giant. 虽然苹果公司甚至还没承认ipadmini的存在,但是关于这个盛传的平板电脑的价格和配置的信息据报道已经出现在消费者电子设备的货舱了。
Pricing out either the cost of goods sold or the ending inventory. 计算出期末存货成本(或销货成本)。
To better apply the pricing mode of inventory quantity, this thesis discusses the distinction in the valuation mode between traditional quota and inventory quantity in the aspects of price theory, pricing mode and tendering effect, etc. 本文从价格理论、计价模式、招投标效果等方面与传统定额计价的区别作了论述,以更好的促进工程量清单计价模式的推广。
To solve this problem, this paper analyzes firm's transfer pricing strategy on the basis of consideration of the inventory managing cost, namely, inventory holding cost, ordering cost, order processing cost and set-up cost, which occurs in the intermediate product transfer processes. 针对这种不足,在充分考虑中间产品流转过程中产生的库存持有成本、订货成本、订单处理成本和启动成本的基础上,研究了企业集团的转移定价决策问题。
Firstly, we discuss the inventory and pricing and capacity strategies of a single item with periodic review. By using of Markov Decision Process, the finite horizon inventory, pricing and capacity expansion problem is discussed, and the optimal strategy of which is obtained. 分析了折扣准则下单产品的多阶段存贮、定价及容量扩张问题。建立了马氏决策过程模型,首先对有限阶段问题进行了研究,得到了其最优策略。
By considering model uncertainty in optimization, we can make the pricing policy more applicable in practice. First, we study the limited inventory pricing problem for perishable products in the presence of structured model uncertainty. 通过在价格优化时考虑到需求模型的不确定,可以使优化的价格具有更强的适用性。本文首先研究了结构化模型不确定下,如何对有库存约束的易逝品制定价格策略的问题。